Obtain a sputum culture with The No-Bite V™ and avoid the nasal pathway and nasal bacteria. This also allows you to bypass most of the oral area and its bacteria. We promote a Chest X-Ray and Surveillance-Sputum Culturing patients in respiratory distress with the No-Bite V™. Try to get the correct diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia in your suspect patients before intubation. By proving a pre-intubation community acquired pneumonia, you are preventing a false claim of VAP through a "VAP Surveillance Algorithm". Contact NJR Medical to Learn More!
"I wanted to share these photos of my dad back in Nov 2016 before I even knew about the No-Bite. He was nasal suctioned in the hospital and they caused severe nasal trauma... Ouch! And no, he was not even on blood thinners, just baby aspirin."
"My dad stayed out of the hospital a record 10 Months Pneumonia-Free and Nasal Trauma-Free thanks to the No-Bite Suction!"
"Previously my dad was readmitted to the hospital at least once a month with aspiration pneumonias, but now he is doing much better."
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