
Justification of The No-Bite V

Incidence of Patients Biting Down During Oral Care and Coiling Tracheal Suction Catheters Survey

Take Our ICU SurveyClick Here to Download Our Survey to Conduct in your ICU.
Be sure to go thru the proper channels in your facility to get approval to conduct this survey. Completed ICU Surveys will be featured on our web site!

The Results

Table 1

Survey Results of 127 ICU RN's

How often do you have a patient who resists oral care?

  • Never = 4%
  • Rarely = 27%
  • Sometimes = 43%
  • Often = 23%
  • Always = 3%
Nurses who acknowledge that patients resist oral care = 96%

How often do you have a patient bite on green swabs with oral care?

  • Never = 0%
  • Rarely = 8%
  • Sometimes = 42%
  • Often = 42%
  • Always = 8%
Nurses who acknowledge that patients bite on green swabs with oral care = 100%

Have you ever had a patient damage or break a green swab from biting it?

  • Yes = 56%
  • No = 44%

How often do you have a patient bite on a Yankauer suction with oral care?

  • Never = 0%
  • Rarely = 13%
  • Sometimes = 42%
  • Often = 38%
  • Always = 7%
Nurses who acknoweledge that patients bite on Yankauer suction with oral care = 100%

Have you ever had a patient damage or break a Yankauer from biting it?

  • Yes = 19%
  • No = 81%

Have you ever been bitten during mouth care?

  • Yes = 17%
  • No = 83%

Table 2

Do you think patients who tend to resist oral care receive inadequate oral hygiene?

  • Yes = 85%
  • No = 15%

How often do you have a Naso-Tracheal Suction Catheter coil in the back of a patient's mouth upon insertion?

  • Never = 6%
  • Rarely = 34%
  • Sometimes = 46%
  • Often = 11%
  • Always = 3%
Nurses who acknoweledge that Naso-Tracheal Suction Catheters coil in the back of patient's mouth = 94%

Do you think patients who have a tendency to have Naso-Tracheal Suction catheters coil, receive inadequate tracheal suctioning?

  • Yes = 65%
  • No = 34%

How often do you have a patient bite an Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter upon insertion?

  • Never = 4%
  • Rarely = 18%
  • Sometimes = 46%
  • Often = 28%
  • Always = 4%
Nurses who acknoweledge that patients bite on Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter upon insertion = 96%

Have you ever had a patient damage an Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter from biting it?

  • Yes = 21%
  • No = 79%
Take Our ICU SurveyClick Here to Download Our Survey to Conduct in your ICU.
Be sure to go thru the proper channels in your facility to get approval to conduct this survey. Completed ICU Surveys will be featured on our web site!