Justification of The No-Bite V™
Incidence of Patients Biting Down During Oral Care and Coiling Tracheal Suction Catheters Survey
The Results
Table 1
Survey Results of 127 ICU RN's
How often do you have a patient who resists oral care?
- Never = 4%
- Rarely = 27%
- Sometimes = 43%
- Often = 23%
- Always = 3%
Nurses who acknowledge that patients resist oral care = 96%
How often do you have a patient bite on green swabs with oral care?
- Never = 0%
- Rarely = 8%
- Sometimes = 42%
- Often = 42%
- Always = 8%
Nurses who acknowledge that patients bite on green swabs with oral care = 100%
Have you ever had a patient damage or break a green swab from biting it?
How often do you have a patient bite on a Yankauer suction with oral care?
- Never = 0%
- Rarely = 13%
- Sometimes = 42%
- Often = 38%
- Always = 7%
Nurses who acknoweledge that patients bite on Yankauer suction with oral care = 100%
Have you ever had a patient damage or break a Yankauer from biting it?
Have you ever been bitten during mouth care?
Table 2
Do you think patients who tend to resist oral care receive inadequate oral hygiene?
How often do you have a Naso-Tracheal Suction Catheter coil in the back of a patient's mouth upon insertion?
- Never = 6%
- Rarely = 34%
- Sometimes = 46%
- Often = 11%
- Always = 3%
Nurses who acknoweledge that Naso-Tracheal Suction Catheters coil in the back of patient's mouth = 94%
Do you think patients who have a tendency to have Naso-Tracheal Suction catheters coil, receive inadequate tracheal suctioning?
How often do you have a patient bite an Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter upon insertion?
- Never = 4%
- Rarely = 18%
- Sometimes = 46%
- Often = 28%
- Always = 4%
Nurses who acknoweledge that patients bite on Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter upon insertion = 96%
Have you ever had a patient damage an Oral Tracheal Suction Catheter from biting it?